Top 10 Tips to Write Cold Emails to Investors
VCs and Angels themselves are the best source to answer questions about how to write cold emails to investors. We have gathered the best tips for founders.
5 Crucial Features of Tools Used by Founders and CFOs
Technology has completely overtaken the business world with new applications that stretch into all realms of company operations
How to use Employee Share Option Schemes
If you are an executive in a growing company you probably know the challenge in hiring professionals and attracting talent to join your team
How to raise capital – 4 tips to save time during your funding round
This article suggests 4 critical time-saving tips for your fundraising and covers important aspects of investor requirements and negotiation points
9 Steps to Streamlining Your Fundraising Process
Nine steps you can take now in order to make the fundraising process run smoother, saving you time and money
What Are Employee Shares and Share Option Schemes?
Learn about employee equity and how it can be used as a tool to motivate and retain top talent at your company. Find out how to issue equity to employees and the potential benefits and drawbacks
Why Private Companies Move Their Share Registers To The Digital Ledgers
Why Private Companies Move Their Share Registers To The Digital Ledgers